What is CAD?
CAD stands for Computer Aided Design. There are several different types of CAD, to learn a bit about each type, watch this video by Gary Dawson. At Portland Jewelry Academy we focus on CAD for 3D printing for jewelers.
CAD is Another Jewelry Tool
In order to make and object from an idea in this format you need two tools. The first tool is Computer Aided Design (CAD) which jewelers can use to design jewelry. The next tool is Computer Aided Machining (CAM) which jewelers can use to convert their CAD drawing into special instructions for printing. From here a 3D printer or CNC machine interprets those instructions to create a 3D object. Many companies have their own machines for printing and will print for others for a small fee.

There Are Many Different CAD Programs
There are many different programs for creating CAD drawings, but we find that Rhino 3D is the best for jewelry design. In fact, it is the most common program in the trade. There are additional programs that run on Rhino; RhinoGold, Matrix, and MatrixGold. These are very powerful and include jewelry-specific shortcuts that can make them easier to use. However, these add-ons are expensive and can make it difficult to design unique pieces of jewelry. That is, it is difficult without an understanding of Rhino, the language they are built on. Our course gives students the knowledge to design beautifully unique pieces of jewelry using Rhino 3D via Rhino licensed instruction by Gary Dawson.
Learning Rhino 3D with Portland Jewelry Academy
The CAD education at Portland Jewelry Academy focuses on CAD for 3D printing for jewelers. This course usually begins one month after the start of the Introduction to Jewelry Manufacturing course. Class is held online in the evenings 1-2 times a week for 6 weeks. All of the lessons are recorded and accessible for review by students at any time. All students who enroll in our introductory course take Rhino level 1 training alongside their bench jewelry education. We do this to best connect the content of the Rhino course with how it applies to jewelry design and printing.
Individuals outside of our introductory course are also welcome to join our CAD course, even if they are outside of the jewelry industry. However, since our institution focuses on setting the foundation for the professional bench jeweler, so does this course. This means that the content centers around jewelry design and manufacturing. Please reach out with any questions regarding this course.

In order to complete this course, students need a Windows computer and internet access.
Rhino Course Cost Breakdown
Tuition: $750
Rhino 3D: $995*
Total cost: $1,745
*this is the price to buy the regular version of Rhino 3D. The student version of Rhino 3D, which is available to registered students of Portland Jewelry Academy, is only $195. additionally, upgrading from an old to new version of Rhino 3D is also reduced from this price.